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[106美國直購] 揚聲器 Amazon Echo (2nd Generation) with improved sound, powered by Dolby
[106美國直購] 揚聲器 Amazon Echo (2nd Generation) with improved sound, powered by Dolby。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低比價網的首頁

       整理了GOOGLE上關於[106美國直購] 揚聲器 Amazon Echo (2nd Generation) with improved sound, powered by Dolby搜尋前幾名排序的資料來輔助!我有去遍尋各大購物網站momo購物、yahoo奇摩購物、博客來、PChome線上購物、ibon mart搜尋優惠價格!最近我也在找[106美國直購] 揚聲器 Amazon Echo (2nd Generation) with improved sound, powered by Dolby的相關資訊~網路價格隨時會調整,請以原網購平台資料為準!希望我整理的資料能對我大家LULU有幫助。

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All-new Echo (2nd Generation) with improved sound, powered by Dolby, and a new design – Charcoal Fabric

All-new Echo (2nd Gen) has a new speaker, new design, and is available in a range of styles including fabrics and wood veneers. Echo connects to Alexa to play music, make calls, set alarms and timers, ask questions, control smart home devices, and more—instantly.
Just ask for a song, artist, or genre from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, and more. With multi-room music, you can play music on compatible Echo devices in different rooms. Echo can also play audiobooks, radio stations, news briefs, and more.
Call or message anyone hands-free with your Echo device. Also, instantly connect to other Echo devices in your home using just your voice.
New speaker, now with Dolby processing for crisp vocals and dynamic bass response. Echo can fill the room with 360° omnidirectional audio.
With seven microphones, beamforming technology, and noise cancellation, Echo hears you from any direction—even while music is playing
Just ask Alexa to check your calendar, weather, traffic, and sports scores, manage to-do and shopping lists, control your compatible smart lights, thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, and more
Alexa is always getting smarter and adding new features and skills. Just ask Alexa to control your TV, request an Uber, order a pizza, and more.

The 2nd generation Echo has a 2.5” downward-firing woofer and 0.6” tweeter powered by Dolby to deliver crisp vocals and dynamic bass throughout the room. You can play music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and more. With Amazon Music, you can search by lyrics, time-period, or let Alexa pick the music for you. You can also listen to audiobooks from Audible, podcasts, radio stations, news briefs, and more.

Alexa, play music in the office. | Alexa, play top pop from the 90's. | Alexa, play that song that goes All you need is love.

Downward-firing subwoofer and upward-firing tweeter

Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, and more

Alexa, play music everywhere

Want to play music on an Echo in another room? Now with multi-room music, you can tell Alexa to play across your compatible Echo devices. Tell Alexa to play jazz in the kitchen, top pop in the family room, or play the same song throughout your whole home. Learn more

Voice control your home

Use Echo to switch on the lamp before getting out of bed, turn on the coffee maker on your way to the kitchen, or dim the lights from the couch to watch a movie—all without lifting a finger. Ask Alexa to turn on the TV, turn up the volume, change the channel, or play your favorite movie. Echo can control your Amazon Fire TV and select devices from Sony, Dish, and Logitech.

Control multiple devices at scheduled times or with a single voice command, like locking the doors and turning off the lights when you go to bed. Echo works with lights, locks, switches, thermostats, and more from WeMo, Philips Hue, SmartThings, Insteon, Nest, ecobee, and Wink. Learn more

Wink, Wemo, Hue, Tp-Link, Next, and more
Hands-free calling and messaging

With Echo, you can talk to anyone hands-free—no tapping or searching required. Your contacts will see your number when they receive the call so they know who is calling. Set up your voice profile and teach Alexa to recognize your voice. When you say, “Alexa, call Mom”, Alexa will call your mom, even if you have multiple users in your home. Additionally, you can send messages via voice or text to anyone with a supported Echo device or the Alexa App. Learn more

With the Drop In feature enabled for room-to-room calling, instantly connect with compatible Echo devices in your home. Let your household know when dinner is ready, ask someone for help with a chore, or remind the kids to go to sleep—without having to raise your voice.

Alexa, call mom | Alexa, drop in on the kitchen. | Alexa, send a message to Tom.

Far-field voice recognition


5.9” x 3.5” x 3.5” (148 mm x 88 mm x 88 mm)


29.0 oz. (821 grams) Actual size and weight may vary by manufacturing process

Wi-Fi connectivity

Dual-band Wi-Fi supports 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4 and 5 GHz) networks. Does not support connecting to ad-hoc (or peer-to-peer) Wi-Fi networks.

Bluetooth connectivity

Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) support for audio streaming from your mobile device to Echo or from Echo to your Bluetooth speaker. Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) for voice control of connected mobile devices. Hands-free voice control is not supported for Mac OS X devices. Bluetooth speakers requiring PIN codes are not supported.


2.5” (63.5 mm) woofer and 0.6” (16 mm) tweeter


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[美國直購] Garmin 010-10889-00 單車自行車安裝套件 Forerunner Quick Release Kit 只適用Forerunner 205/305

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